Gun Safety Shroud

Safe operation of hand held control guns requires the use of a Safety Shroud to guard the operator from failure of the hose fitting at the point where it is connected to the gun.

Together with the European users APS developed The European Type Shroud which will fit virtually any gun of 10K to 40K of any brand.

It’s simply held in place by an adjustable strap, it’s light in weight – easy to clean – doesn’t absorb water (don’t get heavy) – heat resistant – one size fits all (ø 41 mm. ID at the smallest diameter at the press tube) and with universal application it is a popular alternative to the Standard Screw Type Shroud.OD 2″(ø 53 mm.).

The Shrouds have a nitrile outer cover, which resists oil, water and many solvents, and an inner layer of braided stainless steel which prevent steel parts through the hose.
Safety Shrouds are essential equipment, and should be used in conjunction with a whip hose, which allows for connection to different high pressure sources, without the need to make frequent connections to the gun.

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